Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sanskrit Song (Ghazal) 'Priya-Milanam' (प्रिय-मिलनम् :संस्कृत-गज़ल):Dr.Harekrishna Meher

( संस्कृत-गज़ल-गीतिः )
रचना तथा स्वर-संयोजना : डा. हरेकृष्ण-मेहेरः 
(पुष्पाञ्जलि-विचित्रा' -काव्यतः) 
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प्रिय-मिलनं यदा भवेन् नूनं मे ।
स्वर्भुवनं प्रतीयते न्यूनं मे ॥ [०]
प्रविचलिते मनोद्रुमे सोत्कण्ठम्,
धैर्य-दलं सुकोमलं लूनं मे ॥ [१]
अनुपगते समाकुलं यामिन्याम्,
दृग्-युगलं प्रतीक्षया शूनं मे ॥ [२]
शशि-विरहे कुमुद्वती नो फुल्ला,
स्वं हृदयं प्रियं विना दूनं मे ॥ [३]
पिक-विरुते सुमञ्जुले सञ्जातम्,
ह्री-सहितं विमोहितं मौनं मे ॥ [४]
पुलकभरं समर्पितं माङ्गल्यम्,
प्रेममयं शुचि-स्मितं सूनं मे ॥ [५]

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[इयं गीतिः प्रायः कहरवा-ताल - मध्यलयेन परिवेषणीया ।]
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(This Song with own Musical Notations and Hindi Translation  
has been published in “Sangeet” Music Magazine, September 2004,
Sangeet Karyalaya, Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, India)
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Hindi Translation By the Author Dr. Harekrishna Meher
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रचयिता : डॉ. हरेकृष्ण मेहेर

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(इस गीत में कोई नायिका अपने प्रियतम के साथ घटित मिलन एवं विरह की 
कुछ अनुभूति-रूप यादें व्यक्त करती है अपनी सखी के सामने ।) 
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प्रियतम के साथ 
जब निश्‍चित रूप से 
होता है मेरा मिलन,
तब मेरे लिये 
मुझे कम लगता है 
सुखमय स्वर्ग-भुवन ॥
मन का वृक्ष जब 
उत्कण्ठा से विचलित था,
मेरा कोमल चञ्चल 
धीरज-पल्लव टूट गया सर्वथा ॥
प्रियतम जब पास नहीं होते,
मेरी आँखें रातभर 
प्रतीक्षा से बड़ी हो जाती थीं 
अत्यन्त व्याकुल होकर ॥
कुमुदिनी प्रफुल्ल नहीं होती
चन्द्रमा के विरह से, 
हृदय मेरा व्यथित हो उठता 
प्रियतम के बिना वैसे ॥
जब सुनाई पड़ी
कोयल की सुमधुर बोली,
तब लज्जा सहित विमोहित हो उठी
मेरी मौनता बड़ी भोली ॥
रोमाञ्चभरा मङ्गलमय सुरभित 
शुभ्र मुस्कान-शोभित 
प्रेम-पुष्प उन्हें 
तब अर्पण कर दिया मैंने ॥ 

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Also Published with Author's own English Translation 
on the site "Sanskrit Literature" 
(June 2008) Link:
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English Translation By the Author 
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Priya-Milanam (Union with Lover)
Sanskrit Song – Ghazal
Lyrics and Tuning By : Dr. Harekrishna Meher
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(In this song, a blushful beloved wife expresses before 
her maiden-friend some experiences of pleasure and pain 
relating to union and separation of her loving companion.)
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Verily when I enjoy union with him,
heavenly abode seems very little for me. [0]
When the tree of mind
became unstable with anxiousness,
tender leaf of my patience
shivering became severed. [1]
In absence of my loving prop,
my eyes for the whole night
waiting and waiting for him
turned well swollen up. [2]
Lily feels no efflorescence
due to separation from Moon.
My heart felt woesome
because of his absence. [3]
When the sweet cooing of cuckoo
entered in the cavities of my ears,
my silence along with blush
became enchanted, overwhelmed. [4]
I offered him meanwhile
the flower of love, auspiciously fragrant,
filled with horripilation, and pleasant
with fair charming smile. [5]
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(Extracted from Original Sanskrit Kavya  
"Pushpāñjali-Vichitrā" of Dr. Harekrishna Meher.) 
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