Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chitrakut Aur Mahanadi (चित्रकूट और महानदी : तपस्विनी): Dr.Harekrishna Meher

Chitrakut Aur Mahanadi   
(Extracted from ' Tapasvini-Kavya' of Poet Gangadhara Meher)  
From Original Oriya,
Hindi Translation By : Dr. Harekrishna Meher

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चित्रकूट और महानदी
(स्वभावकवि-गंगाधर-मेहेर-प्रणीत 'तपस्विनी' काव्य के अष्टम सर्ग से)
मूल ओड़िआ से हिन्दी अनुवाद : डॉ. हरेकृष्ण
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उसी समय समक्ष आ चिन्ता-सुन्दरी
बोली वाणी विनयभरी :
'देवीजी ! कुछ लोग द्वार पधारे
प्यासे हैं दर्शन पाने तुम्हारे ।
यात्रा कर चुके राह बहुत लम्बी;
धन्य वह दर्शन-कामना
प्रखर आतप से नहीं दबी ।
बन जाता हृदय अपना
अपार प्रीति का भण्डार,
उनके कमनीय रूप निहार ॥'

बोलीं देवी : ' सखी मेरी !
ले आओ उन्हें न कर देरी ।
भाग्य मेरा धन्य,
मुझ पर इतने आदर हैं अनन्य ।
अवश्य पाप-ताप मिटा देंगे मेरे नयन
पाकर उनके दर्शन ॥'

देवी की आज्ञा मान
पहले आकर
एक ने मधुर मुस्कान
धीरे बिखराकर,
कई दिनों से परिचित बन्धु समान
कहा प्यारी बातों में अमृत सान ॥

'देवीजी ! स्मृति में है क्या घटना पिछली ?
किया था पदार्पण
तुमने मेरे घर ।
पाई है मेरी काया ने उसी क्षण
तुम्हारी तनु-ज्योति से सुन्दर
यह स्वर्गीय प्रभा की संपदा उजली ॥

मेरे निर्झर उस प्रभा के व्याज
आनन्द-विभोर झर्झर बहते आज ।
प्रफुल्ल-वदन पुष्प-समुदाय हास्य निखार
नन्दन-कानन का करते तिरस्कार ॥

सरिता-सलिल महकाकर सदा सुगन्ध मन्द
तटवासियों के मन में जगाता आनन्द ।
तुम्हारे प्यार-पले मयूर सारे
उच्च स्वर नित्य गाते गुण तुम्हारे ॥

प्रतिक्षण वारिद आकर बारी-बारी से
अटल अभिलाषा रख तुम्हारे दर्शन की,
ढूँढते घूम-घूम दरी-दरी से
'कहाँ है सुन्दरी जानकी' ।
पूछते मुझसे गंभीर स्वर में सभी,
'नहीं है' उत्तर से मानते नहीं कभी ।
ले उजाला बिजली का खोजते पुनर्बार
'निश्‍चित है सीता सुन्दरी' यही विचार ॥

देवीजी ! आज पहचाना क्या
इस हतभाग्य को तुमने ?
बहुत दिनों बाद आया
तुम्हारे सामने ।
तुम्हारी चरण-धूलि से सुन्दर
अपना मुकुट सजाकर
बन चुका हूँ भाग्यवान्
मैं चित्रकूट सानुमान् ॥'

तदुपरान्त पधारी एक शुभांगी रंगीली नयी
विमल-समुज्ज्वल- कान्तिमयी
वन-सुन्दरी की चिर-सहचारिणी,
गिरिमल्लिका- माला से कण्ठ है सज्जित हुआ,
ललाट पर रमणीय शिरोमणि महुआ ।
जम्बु-नीलरतन कर्णाभरण,
शुक्‍ति-पंक्‍ति जिसका कटि-भूषण ।
वनवासी मुनिजनों का अन्तःकरण मोहती,
सुन्दर कुटिल नील वेणी से सुहावनी लगती ॥

प्रफुल्ल प्रसन्न-वदन
उसने व्यक्‍त किया प्रत्यक्ष,
सुकुमार धीर मधुर वचन
सती के समक्ष :

'अयि सुशीले !
कृतज्ञता मेरी स्वीकार ले सादर,
तेरे स्नेह-ऋण से ऋणी हूँ निरन्तर ।
ऋण कहाँ चुका पाऊँगी ? नहीं मेरी शक्‍ति ।
मुझे कृतार्थ कर, सति !
आन्तरिक भक्‍ति मेरी ले ॥

दुनिया में मेरे-जैसे हैं नहीं कितने ?
इतनी कृपा तेरी पाई है कहाँ किसने ?
पाकर तेरी शुभ दृष्टि पावनी,
मेरी बालुका है स्वर्ण-रेणु बनी ।
क्रीड़ा से रम गये जब दिव्य नयन तेरे,
तूने हीरा-क्षेत्र बना दिया वक्ष-स्थल को मेरे । (१)
विद्यमान नगेन्द्र-नन्दिनी श्रीविष्णुपदी;
फिर भी तेरी प्रदत्त उपाधि से मैं हूँ 'महानदी' ॥ '
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पादटीका (१) :
सम्बलपुर के पास महानदी-गर्भ में 'हीराकुद' नाम का क्षुद्र द्वीप है ।
वहाँ हीरा मिलने की जनश्रुति है ।
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[ सौजन्य :
स्वभावकवि-गंगाधर-मेहेर-प्रणीत "तपस्विनी".
हिन्दी अनुवादक : डॉ. हरेकृष्ण मेहेर.
प्रकाशक : सम्बलपुर विश्वविद्यालय, ज्योति विहार, बुर्ला, सम्बलपुर, ओड़िशा, भारत.
प्रथम संस्करण २००० ख्रीष्टाब्द.]
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Related Links : 
Hindi Tapasvini Book :
Link :
‘Tapasvini’ Mahakavya of Poet Gangadhar Meher (1862-1924).
From Original Odia, Translated in to Hindi, English and Sanskrit :
Complete Works : Link :
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sanskrit Poem 'He Kale !' ( O Kali ! ) / H.K. Meher

'He Kale !'
‘Sanskrit Poem by : Dr. Harekrishna Meher
(From Sanskrit Kāvya ‘Jīvanālekhyam’)
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हे कले ! (संस्कृत-कविता)
रचयिता : डा. हरेकृष्ण-मेहेरः
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किं किं न कुर्वन्ति
मानवा जन्तवो जगति
पतितास्ते विकराल-कवले ?
धन्योऽसि कले ! ।।

धर्मो बिभेति धृतैक-पादः,
अधर्मस्ते सखा नृत्यति त्रिपादः ।
रचयति कलहार्चित-स्वलीलाम्
गृहे गृहे स्नेहभरे परिवारे
राज्ये महागारे कान्तारे वा पारावारे
नृशंस-ध्वंसशीलाम् ।
त्वयि दर्शित-बले
धन्योऽसि कले ! ।।

कामिनी काञ्चनं भूमी
तव निवासा अमी ।
प्रतिभूरसि चार्वाकस्य,
प्रतिपदं द्वन्द्वं न सृजसि वा कस्य ?
सर्व-दुष्ट-पाषण्ड-स्वार्थ-हितः ।
परिक्षितः शपथ-परीक्षणे
राजत्वं कुरुषे परुष-क्षणे
काले वृत-खले
धन्योऽसि कले ! ।।

पुरुषस्य कलह-बीजवपनं कुर्वतः
जाग्रतोऽसि जगति बलपूर्वकं पुरतः ।
अखण्डिते मही-मण्डले
विराजति पुण्य-श्‍लोके नले
विनतोऽसि किं तत्पदोत्पले ?
अधन्योऽसि कले ! ।।

वित्त-निमित्तं नाशयसि
स्वर्णिम-सुखमयं परिवारम्,
भूमि-मात्र-निमित्तं विरचयसि
असमयं युद्धमसारम् ।
नारी-निमित्तं रोपयसि
दौर्हृदं वैरमविरतम् ।
लौल्यं विकासयसि जन-मनसि
वित्त-सत्ता-निमित्तम् ।
किं तिष्ठसि पर्यावरणे
परस्परं समुज्झित-रणे
सुविमले पुष्कले ?
अधन्योऽसि कले ! ।।

मित्रमपि शत्रूयते,
अपात्रमपि स्तूयते,
सहोदरा अपि हन्यन्ते ।
विवेकिनः सज्जनास्त्वामतः
निरतामस्पृश्यं मन्यन्ते ।
किं वर्त्तसे दीप्यमाने पुण्य-फले ?
अधन्योऽसि कले ! ।।

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Illusion of Modernity (English Poem): Dr. Harekrishna Meher

English Poem By : Dr. Harekrishna Meher

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Is the modern world of armament
like a flower of firmament
or like a hare’s horn
or like a mirage or like an unborn ?

The core of the heart all the time
is haunted by the catastrophe of humanity.
Everywhere reigns the epicureanism sublime
in practical reality.

Is it peace in the age of atom ?
Is it the truth of life,
while man is swayed away at random
by the onslaughts of mundane strife ?

Nonplussed as if by the state of collision
between truth and illusion,
man like Trishanku in the middle
encounters today’s countless riddle.

In the world ephemeral,
none can fasten the soul immortal.
The abstract panacea of today
forms the philanthropic introspection
that can pave the way
for concrete and eternal perfection.

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Extracted from : 
Poems of the Mortals (English Poems)  
By : Dr. Harekrishna Meher
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Duty of a King / Tapasvinī : H.K.Meher

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(Extracted from ‘Tapasvinī’ Kāvya, Canto-III)
Original Oriya Kāvya By : Poet Gańgādhara Meher.
Translated into English By : Dr. Harekrishna Meher.
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On the bank of Bhāgīrathī while
Lakshmaņa deserted Sītā to exile,
Sunshine had spread that moment
all over the regions
of the world along with oceans
neath the fair firmament.

As if it was a white screen
draped over by Sun
after deliberation
that a shame it would be, if the affliction
of Rāma’s Queen was seen
to the deities’ dominion.

Knowing that secret discreetly,
to disclose the flaw of Sun’s race,
Dusk lifted swiftly
the screen from earth’s surface.

Called by the birds nearby,
Stars in the courtyard of sky
coming one after another
hugely assembled together.

They viewed :
Rāmachandra, the scion of Sun’s ancestry,
has sat alone in the yard, vast solitary.
With tears appeared
his eyes were bedewed ;
with dejection visage withered.

He was thinking :
“The right of a king
is in fact a guise
of great slavery.
In this high seat,
the only job is
to render service sincerely,
at the people’s feet.

While hundreds of mouth
together a lie tell,
it is oft accepted as truth
obeying them very well,
though to be sure,
it’s known falsehood pure.

In the peace-sacrifice of public, again
king’s happiness is oblation indeed.
Fastened with the strong duty-chain
in his work he can’t proceed.

What is done coronation
is really a mere reformation.
What shall we call fanning the chowries ?
It’s nothing but whisking flies.

There might, of course,
be no remourse
in happiness even in the heart of a deity.
The king, therefore,
is a great god and furthermore
relishes the ambrosia of celebrity.

People’s blood forms water-drops.
Acquiring the throne of high props
the king becomes cloud mere,
for the public welfare.

In the water of earth, no thunder resides;
but in cloud, it naturally abides.
Mace in the hands of public
is not a matter of power,
but it’s terrific
in the hands of the emperor.

By the fire of lightning,
burnt may be own heart however,
compelled is cloud to give water.
Forsaking all the happiness, when the king
keeps his people gratified,
he, as an object
of supreme respect
becomes identified.

Forming the highly elevated
head of ladder to heaven, if kingship
in the world-circle, is deviated
from own destination,
the king suffers destruction
falling into the doom’s abysm deep.

With equal vision and equal feeling,
holding a sceptre,
and rejoicing on kingship’s string,
he, magician-like,
turning very meek
doesn’t think of own life-chapter.

If the acrobat doesn’t proceed
after placing feet on the string,
some spectators shall indeed
jeer at him by clapping.
There the drum-holder
shall scold him further.

With life slackened verily
by severe separation
from my beloved Maithilī,
if I don’t perform any action,
the human society
shall taunt me more in reality.

From people’s lips remark will slip :
‘In Raghu’s royal race
Rāma was born a disgrace.
And niggard in being scrupulous
he abandoned the kingship,
turning uxorious.’

Best is the Vānaprastha state;
but for me, it’s not the time appropriate.
To discharge the duties of mine indeed
how shall Bharata be agreed ?

Day by day, affection
for a thing on lap deteriorates ;
since it’s observed very often.
When empty becomes the lap,
pining for the same thing after gap,
the hearty affection proliferates
many multiplied times to measure
like a zero-suffixed mathematical number.

Never immortal is the gross body.
Ever immortal is mind only.
When link is not severed from mind,
happiness is happiness in true sense to find.

Has anybody kept his life for ever,
by earning material treasure
in the world of mortals
and adorning the gold crown
on his head own ?
As his rivals,
glory and slander, being uncontrolled
by time, stand very bold.

People of the world very well
determine the way to heaven and hell.
Setting aside all rumours of others,
the mean mind endeavours
to hanker after the enjoyment,
material and transient. ”

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Footnote : (1)
The poet has used the word ‘Ańka’ which means both ‘lap’ and ‘number’.
‘Śūnya’ means ‘empty’ as well as ‘zero’. The number increases many times.
For example, 1 suffixed with zero or zeroes, becomes 10, 100, 1000 and so on.

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Sri-Durgashtakam (श्रीदुर्गाष्टकम्): Devotional Sanskrit Poem: Dr.Harekrishna Meher

Sanskrit Stostra * Śrī-Durgāshţakam *   
By : Dr. Harekrishna Meher  
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* श्रीदुर्गाष्टकम् * 
रचयिता : डॉ. हरेकृष्ण- मेहेरः
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दुर्गति-हारिणि दुर्गे !  महादेवि ! नमोऽस्तु ते ।
केसरीन्द्र-समारूढ़े !  यातुधान-निवर्हिणि ! ॥ (१)

उमा हैमवती मातस्त्वं  पार्वती महेश्‍वरी ।
कालिका सर्वमङ्गला  गौरी भगवती शिवा ॥ (२)

गायत्री त्वं च सावित्री  सहस्रं तव नाम वै ।
शान्ति-स्वरूपिणी देवी  काले त्वं घोर-रूपिणी ॥ (३)

महिषासुर-मर्दिनी  जगतां धर्म-धारिणी ।
आदिशक्ति- र्महामाया  ज्योतिर्मयी महीयसी ॥ (४)

ज्ञानं विद्या धृतिः प्रज्ञा  राजसे श्री-र्यशस्विनी ।
संस्थिता विश्‍व-संसारे  शक्‍तिरूपा त्वमम्बिका ॥ (५)

विपत्तारिणी शङ्करी  लोक-सङ्कट-नाशिनी ।
प्रसीद वरदा सदा  तमस्तोम-विदारिणी ॥ (६)

भक्‍त-क्लेशापहन्त्री त्वं  हर सन्ताप-सन्ततिम् ।
सनातनी सुकल्याणी  सिद्धिं यातु मनोरथम् ॥ (७)

अपराधं क्षमस्व मे  मातस्त्वमनुकम्पया ।
त्वमेव शरणं नित्यं  नमस्तुभ्यं सदाशिवे ! ॥ (८)

कष्टं हरतु लोकस्य त्वदीयमिदमष्टकम् ।
भवतु पापहारकं  हे मातः ! शुभ-दायकम् ॥ (९) 

इति श्रीहरेकृष्णमेहेर-विरचितं श्रीदुर्गाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ।  
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Related Links :
Stavarchana-Stavakam (स्तवार्चन-स्तवकम्) :
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Contributions of Dr. Harekrishna Meher to Sanskrit Literature:  
Link :
Translated Kavyas by : Dr.Harekrishna Meher :
Link :
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Devotional Songs and Poems of Dr. Harekrishna Meher : 

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