Thursday, December 27, 2012

Gītā-Gītikā (गीता-गीतिका): Dr.Harekrishna Meher

Gītā-Gītikā  (Song of the Gītā )
Extracted from Sanskrit Kāvya ‘Mātŗigītikāñjalih’
(English Translation by the Author Dr. Harekrishna Meher)
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(Glory of the Divine Song Śrīmad-Bhagavad-Gītā is marked in this lyric.
The trio of knowledge, deed and devotion is the essence of Gītā.
Admonition of Gītā  in performing own duty paves the way
for perfection in human life.)
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Blissful is Śrīmad-Bhagavad-Gītā
authored by the great sage Kŗishņa Dvaipāyana (Vyāsa).
Gītā is sung by the Supreme God i.e. Lord Kŗishņa. (0)
Gītā is the holy book
containing Lord Kŗishņa’s admonitions
to the great warrior Arjuna.
This explores the saga of glory
and victory of righteousness.
As a portion of the great epic Mahābhārata
rendering well-being to all, Gītā contains
the speeches of Lord Kŗishņa
eternally true and significant.
It is vastly studied by the wise. (1)
All Upanishads are the auspicious and beauteous cow.
Lord Govinda (Kŗishņa) is the milkman.
Arjuna, the active warrior son of Kuntī, is calf indeed.
Gītā, paving way for salvation of human life,
is the palatable milk.
The wise are enjoyers
of this sweet ambrosial milk. (2)
Perform deeds sticking to your own duty.
You, the able one, lay emphasis on doing actions.
With discriminative knowledge
and with purity of mind,
be a devotee at the feet of the omnipresent
Supreme God  in the world.
Verily Gītā teaches to equally endure
both heat and cold. (3)
In the mortal region,
Gītā admonishes humanism
in noble behaviours.
The prime aspect of Gītā lies in  
knowledge, devotion and deed.
Sacred is the Gītā with philosophical speculations
of immortal soul. (4)
Gītā annihilates all the evils of Kali-Yuga
and severs the shackles of birth-death-cycle
in the mortal world. 
With the description of Yoga
and the restriction of material enjoyments,
Gītā gives divine enlightenment
in the hearts of the people.
Replete with Supreme Brahman,
Gītā, the Divine Song, is verily blissful. (5)

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(Thus ends Gītā-Gītikā)
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Kavi-Gītikā (कवि-गीतिका): Dr.Harekrishna Meher

Kavi-Gītikā (Song for the Poet)
Extracted from Sanskrit Kāvya ‘Mātŗigītikāñjalih’
(English Translation by the Author Dr. Harekrishna Meher)
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(Features of subtle thinking and transcendental vision of the poet
are delineated in this lyric. Divine thunderbolt bows down before his pen.
His writings succulent with nine sentiments
enlighten the hearts of the people.)
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Immortal poet thou art.
Great poet thou art.
Forming profuse emotions,
thy excellence bears a splendid,
soft and lucid portrait.
Immortal poet thou art. (0)
Thy creation is endowed with the novelty
of nine sentiments, is excellent
with the attribute of learning  
and is apt to be served beautifully.
The creation further comprises
fair and distinct words, surpasses the gold,
bears leaves expanded excellently and is eternal.
Thou art the scintillating Sun
dispelling the darkness of nescience. (1)
Yours is the Goddess of Learning (Sarasvati)
with splendid appearance,
with sweet high lilts
and with the gift of boon.
She further bestows the aroma
of memorable poetic creation,
which is favourite to the relisher
of sentiments and is not easily
attainable in the mundane region.
There in the goddess,
regular oblation is the inertia. (2)
May the couch of thy poetic genius
that alleviates delusion,
perceives the events beyond present,
forms splendid illustration,
remains unhindered,
bears greatness in the world
and is like a mountain of flowers,
bestow well-being to the people.
Thou art the beauteous bird
flying freely in the firmament
of epical compositions. (3)
In quest of truth,
In the receptacle of scriptures,
In the principle of poetic creation,
Thou art Prajāpati, the Creator.
Thy auspicious intellect
is charming with poetic canon,
is apt to be deliberated
and is adorable in the world.
Thunderbolt of heaven bows down
before thy powerful pen. (4)
Yours is the aesthetical supreme excellence
that forms repository of prosody,
bears the flow of sentiments,
commands appreciation of the world,
possesses the virtue of ambrosia,
is candid with poetic colour
and emanates auspiciousness.
The sylvan site of thy words
is easily accessible with charming avenues. (5)
Thy poetry, a delicate maiden, possesses
sweet voice and enormous riches of wisdom.
She is bent upon the sacrifice
in compliance with the liking of age.
She has novel and fresh affections,
has several divisions of limbs
and has the expansion of leaf-like hands.
Worthy is thy status among the wise. (6)
Thy poetic art has marvellous achievements,
has experiences of life for ever,
forms the main source replete with sentiments,
bears  the barque of ink,
is commended by the learned people
and is endowed with splendour and comeliness.
Verily you have the scintillating light
of Kalidasa and Bharavi.
Immortal and great poet thou art. (7)

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(Thus ends Kavi-Gītikā)
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Bhārata-Bhāratī-Gītikā (भारत-भारती-गीतिका): Dr.Harekrishna Meher

Bhārata-Bhāratī-Gītikā (Song for the Indian Language)
Extracted from Sanskrit Kāvya ‘Mātŗigītikāñjalih’
(English Translation by the Author Dr. Harekrishna Meher)
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(In this lyric, Sanskrit language, literature and tradition are portrayed.
Bereft of Sanskrit, Indian culture bears no importance or significance.
Sanskrit, the unique language, is ever-new glory of our country.)
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Victory to our Motherland Bhārata-varsha.
Victory to Sanskrit, the Language of Bhārata,
the Language of the Vedas,
the Language of the people. (0)
Entire literature excellent by comprising
all the scriptures of learning
is the unending divine wealth that eternally shines
with the great genius of India.
In this world, thus has emerged 
the essence of our civilization.
Victory to Sanskrit, the popular language of India,
that eradicates all the evils.  (1)
Here shines the sacred Sanskrit in which
were written the Rāmāyaņa by Sage Vālmīki
and the Mahābhārata by Sage Vyāsa.
Sanskrit has the riches of glory
of illuminating culture.
Great poet Kālidāsa also resorted to this language
for his innovations in epics and dramas.
In this language, the excellent epic
of humanism is propagated
by the learned thinkers.
Victory to the Indian Language Sanskrit
that contains the nectar of
Srimad-Bhagavad-Gita, the Song Divine. (2)
This Language is beyond time,
bears the gems of arts and
forms the auspicious garland of letters.
As new as ever, she is devoid of foes.
She forms the language of gods
and offers all kinds of welfare.
Brilliant and illustrious fame
of this language is widely spread
all over the worldly regions.
Victory to the popular Indian language
that gladdens the mind of the noble. (3)
The structure of Sanskrit
has a pure systematic design.
This language is nectarine and a virtuous flow.
She is the mother of Indian languages,
is blessed with own sentiments and so opulent.
She is widely pronounced by the scholars
of both eastern and western countries.
Victory to the Indian Language verily
appreciated by the great personalities. (4)
Sanskrit is popularly announced by the land of Aryas.
She gladdens the hearts of connoisseurs.
This is the celebrated head language
that preaches peace and equality.
She has always borne the vow of friendship
in respect of national integration.
Victory to the popular Indian language
ever-remembered with the feelings of fraternity.
Long live the immortal Sanskrit. (5)
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(Thus ends Bhārata-Bhāratī-Gītikā)
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Original Sanskrit : Bharata-Bharati-Gitika:
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Complete ‘Matrigitikanjalih’ Kavya :

Śiva-Sańkalpa-Gītikā (शिवसङ्कल्प-गीतिका): Dr.Harekrishna Meher

Śiva-Sańkalpa-Gītikā  (Song of Auspicious Resolve)
Extracted from Sanskrit Kāvya ‘Mātŗigītikāñjalih’
(English Translation by the Author Dr. Harekrishna Meher)
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(Thinking power of subtle and atomic mind is depicted
in this lyric with philosophical perspective.
Mind should always be optimistic for the well-being of the world.)
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May my mind be of auspicious resolve.  
The mind has undoubtedly the highest
and swiftest speed in the world of
movable and immovable beings. (0)
The mind is of atomic form,
is the cause of both good and bad deeds.
It is self-proved and is the reminder
of all in the moving world.
May my mind that forms the great eternal flash
among the luminaries be of auspicious resolve. (1)
Absorbed in righteousness,
the mind is the supreme divinity.
It is permeated with hope.
It forms no sand of pessimistic attitude.
May the mind stand stone-like strong
at the time of adversity
and be of auspicious resolve. (2)
May the intellect expand
for conferring welfare of the world
and never appear terrible
being reflected in the mirror of face.
May my mind fragrant with that intellect
form a soft flowery couch 
and be of auspicious resolve. (3)  
While the mind is lucid,
whole world appears pure and clear.
While the mind is resplendent,
whole world looks divine, beauteous and lighted.
The mind that forms the charming temple
with inaccessible architecture,
be of auspicious resolve. (4) 
In the chariot of physical body,
where Soul (Rathi) is seated,
may the vigorous steeds of sense-organs
endowed with the riches of abstinence
proceed on the path illumined by the charioteer
in the form of discriminative knowledge.
May my mind that is subtle and unique rein,
be of auspicious resolve. (5) 

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(Thus ends Śiva-Sańkalpa-Gītikā)
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Abhijñāna-Gītikā (अभिज्ञान-गीतिका * Song for Recognition): Dr.Harekrishna Meher

Abhijñāna-Gītikā  (Song for Recognition)
Extracted from Sanskrit Kāvya ‘Mātŗigītikāñjalih’
(English Translation by Author Dr. Harekrishna Meher)
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 (In this lyric, philosophical notions of Advaita Vedanta
are deliberated upon in view of self-consciousness.
One should recognize one’s own self
bearing a blissful figure in the mortal land of sufferings) 
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Who says you are not the divine light ?
Who announces
you are not glorified with virtues ? (0)
Self-luminous you are like Sun,.
In the mundane cycle,
you are limitless firmament.
Who says you are not gladdening
the mortal world ?
Who says you are not the divine light ?  (1)
In the great ocean of world,
you are the beauteous pearl.
Who says you are not auspiciously griefless ?  
Who says you are not the divine light ?  (2)
Born with the prestigious human form,
why are you unknown ?
Don’t you recognize your own self
In the universe ?
Who says you have not removed
the veil of illusion ?
Who says you are not the divine light ?  (3)
Are you intimidated 
and obsessed with duality ?
Both illusion and infatuation
exist in this world.
Who says you have not discarded distress ?
Who says you are not the divine light ?  (4) 
Where have you come from ?
When shall you depart ?
In the mundane region,
all seem kith and kin due to illusion.
Who says you are not the vision of wisdom ?
Who announces
you are not glorified with virtues ?
Who says you are not the divine light ?  (5)
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(Thus ends Abhijñāna-Gītikā)
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Abhijñāna-Gītikā (Sanskrit Song) :
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Complete ‘Matrigitikanjalih’ Kavya: 
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Kalākara-Gītikā (कलाकर-गीतिका * Song for the Moon):Dr.Harekrishna Meher

Kalākara-Gītikā (Song for the Moon)
Extracted from Sanskrit Kāvya ‘Mātŗigītikāñjalih’
(English Translation by the Author Dr. Harekrishna Meher)
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(This lyric is addressed to moon, the source of all sweet and delicate arts.
Nectareous and charming to the vision of spectators, may he confer bliss
on the mundane beings.)  
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O Moon ! the receptacle of all the arts !
Deign to rise perpetually
in the firmament of my heart.
With your own rays radiating excellently
In the form of fair sweet smiling 
gladden me please. (0)
Thyself, soothing Moon,
please take away all the gloom of dolour
from the concerned limbs of mine.
With the flow of peace
removing all miseries,
kindly fill thy blackish pit with the gloom. (1)
Thy effulgence is gracefully cool,
delicate, flavorous, gladdening
and the abater of all pains.
Please scatter that divine effulgence
with all potency and give delight. (2)
If you are inflamer and giver of suffering
to the persons estranged from each other,
also are the remover of all pangs of separation
for the united couple, then with the flow
of thy fair and brilliant beams,  
please confer overflowing joy with love. (3)
Removing my inner fire
marked with the sparks of separation,
be compassionate to swallow
and keep it in thy fiery limbs.
With the nectar-drops flowing joyously,
please extinguish all the heat and dejections
from the core of my heart. (4)
Repository of sweetness and fine arts you are.
Happiness you profusely offer.
O Moon, the Beauteous One !
You form high respect to the vision of people.
By your rotation with all the sacred days,
please help me reach the bliss of Brahman.
O Moon ! Deign to rise
in the firmament of my heart. (5)
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(Thus ends Kalākara-Gītikā)
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Kalākara-Gītikā  (Sanskrit):  
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Complete ‘Matrigitikanjalih’ Kavya: